Reviews: All new Echo Show 2nd Gen

Reviews: All new Echo Show 2nd Gen

While Elem Sea experience Home Screen ANNOYING x 1000.

Can't disable the stupid home. It is non-stop displaying stupid snippets. Looking at it now it's telling me these:

Try "Alexa, play the Rhino video."
Try "Alexa, tell me a horse joke"
Try "Alexa, what's the top rated Bluethooth speaker?
Try "Alexa, what can I make with spinach?"
Try "Alexa, tell me something weird."

OMG, they don't stop! All the damn day. No way to turn them off other than turning off the display.

Is it too much to ask to just have a clock? Make it an option. Duh!

I want to buy 30 of these for my office and use them as video intercoms. I have 3 I'm trying out and for this purpose (and music and all the other Alexa stuff), they work perfectly. They are AMAZING, actually, in that regard! But their lame "try" messages won't freaking stop. I can just see my employees who should be working "trying" all these new things and watching cat videos all day because Echo keeps suggesting new things! Ugh.

Why, Amazon, why?!?! It could be a perfect product.... if the user just had the option to turn this off.

A review JD experience Odd Device.

I work from home and bought the Echo Show specifically for two reasons: background movies and music to keep me company all day. For music, yes, this is an excellent device. The sound is loud, clear and surprisingly well-rounded. Alexa recognizes voice commands very well in this respect. Movies, on the other hand, are a struggle. First, Alexa does not recognize most movie names by voice command, even ones I know are on Prime Video. Next, if you have Alexa take you directly to Prime Video, it offers only a "lite" version of the service. You cannot search movies well and the few categories they have stop at 60 results. Being that I can easily stream 4-6 movies a day while working, I've already exhausted most of the good choices. Then, for whatever reason, the audio volume on videos is 50-70% lower than music. So in order to watch a video at arm's length away, I have to turn the volume to 1/2 at minimum, but usually 3/4. I don't understand the massive disparity between music and movie volume. Worse yet, if Alexa responds to a command while I'm watching a movie at that volume, her voice is two or three times louder than the movie, which is to say, obnoxiously loud. Now, maybe I bought this for the wrong purpose. I am never going to video call or have it control my lights, nor am I going to ask it to set an alarm or give me a recipe. However, with the marketing claiming there are tens of thousands of commands, I was under the impression that doing something as simple as using Amazon's own video streaming service would be incredibly smooth. Unfortunately it is not. And like others have said, this is a touch screen after all, but there are very few things you can actually use it for. I think I am used to the app screen on my phone I guess. I keep expecting to be able to go to a home screen and pick what I want to do. With no clear index of abilities, I really have no idea what I can do until I try things. Then, after Alexa tells me she doesn't understand five or ten times, I just give up. Last, I've gotten some errors while streaming video that claim the device's storage is full and it can no longer stream. Well, there is no apparent way to clear the storage; streaming data should be temporarily stored and automatically replaced with new data anyway. Because of this, I've had to restart the unit to clear the memory, which can only be done by unplugging it. Yes, really, even with a touch screen and pull-down menu at the top, there's no restart button, you actually have to unplug it. Decisions like these make me question who they had working on R&D. Some of these things just don't make sense. I do think this has the potential to be a 5-star device with the hardware as-is -- the screen is very nice and the speakers sound excellent except for the volume issue. I know not to expect the functionality of a pad or phone with a mobile OS, but I also feel very limited by the intuitiveness and functionality of the system as it is today. Unfortunately I doubt the fixes will come before my refund eligibility expires...

This a word from Baby Yell Talk Yes, you need this upgrade.

I have several of the Alexa devices (kindle, dots, spots, echo, original show) this device is different for 2 reasons, speakers and size of screen. This is a great kitchen companion. The screen is large enough to view from across the room. Before adding an ingredient to a dish, you can confirm the measurement without walking away from the stove, bowl, mixer e.t.c. It has great speakers so you can fill the room with sound as you prepare your gourmet dish. I am hesitant about putting it in the bedroom, video calling :). When I purchased my show, Amazon offered a free smart light bulb. I wish they would bring back that offer. Not that I would buy another show, but it might help others purchase one, if they were considering having a smart home.

The new Echo Show is a must have!!!!!!

I purchased my Akexa Show from an Amazon kiosk in a mall. That is why this post doesn't detail "verified purchaser".

Another customer Trad24 experience Love the bigger screen, but not the change to Alexa voice volume control (Edited 10/19/18 - voice issue fixed!).

Edited 10/19/18: After 2 updates, the volume problem mentioned in my review is fixed. When using normal volume speech, but with the Echo volume set fairly low, Alexa now answers at a suitably low volume. And today, I was able to activate the new Whispermode, which works great! You whisper to Alexa, she whispers back to you.

I'm raising my rating to 4.5 stars. If Amazon would ever remove the annoying “Try this” messages ruining my home screen photo (and music screens as well), I would probably rate this as 5 stars. (This is unfortunately unlikely to happen, as Echo Show users have been complaining about this for a year and a half, but it hasn't changed.)

I upgraded from the first generation Echo Show. I’ll get my one real complaint out of the way first. On the second generation Show, you can lower the volume for music and videos, but not for the Alexa voice. Even with the volume set very low, so I can listen to music without disturbing anyone, if I need to interact with Alexa, her response will be very loud. This didn't happen with the first generation Echo. On that one, if I turned down the volume, everything was turned down, including Alexa. I did send feedback to Amazon about this, and I see someone else here commented on the problem. I'm eagerly awaiting the new whispermode, which isn't on my device yet, but really, I just want the voice volume to work the same way it did on the first generation.

I do really like the bigger screen size, which is a pleasure to watch. I'm also enjoying using the Silk browser to access YouTube. (You get to it by saying “Alexa, open Silk.” ) You can't use voice to search for YouTube videos, but if you're willing to sign into a YouTube account, you can access your saved video lists and get to the videos quickly that way. I also used the browser to access my local PBS TV station and watched some on demand video on that.

As Marc S. experience Can't see the time from a few feet away.....

Someone at Amazon thought it would be a good idea to make the clock tiny and non-changeable. That is the most important task this thing does is tell the time and you can't even see it. You can't change the clock, the size of the type or any font on the home screen. I called Amazon Echo Support, they said a lot of people where complaining about the same things, they didn't have any solution and politely thanked me for my feedback.... Mine is going back it's useless to me, if I can't see the time.

While RSB Talk An Inccemental Improvement Over The First Generation - 7 Things You Should Know - Updated Review.

Edit - 11/26/2018

Updated review after approximately six weeks of ownership with daily usage.

I had the first generation of this product and received this the day it was released. I've used four of these Echo Shows daily. I don't want to repeat the other great reviews on here so will try to add extra seven extra pieces information that may be helpful to you.

1) I wish Amazon and Google would band together and get over their silent feud. I'm a huge fan of both companies (sorry Apple), but their products don't work well together. After Amazon removed YouTube from the first generation product, I was more than upset. Well, now you can get YouTube here via a workaround method. You can use either Amazon's Silk Browser of the Firefox Browser on this device. Neither works exceptionally well and I've found that Firefox works a little better, faster and with fewer hiccups. So, you can get YouTube - just not on the YouTube native application. It's not as good and linking your Google user account to the device and is much more difficult to do.

2) It's difficult to get a Google-branded doorbell, the Nest thermostat or the Google camera to work with this device. There are workarounds (many listed with a simple web search) that take a lot of time and technical knowledge to set-up, but everything seems like a workaround and isn't easy. Amazon wants you to purchase their Ring doorbell, another thermostat brand (EcoBee), and Amazon-branded cameras. This is very frustrating, to say the least. I beta test Google Products and it's the same thing there. Their new Google Home Hub doesn't support Amazon products well, but that's a different review for a different platform Again, these two behemoth awesome companies need to come to terms and support each other's ecosystems. I know it's a competitive "thing" that is supposed to benefit the shareholder via an increased profit margin. However, as the consumer, this is a sore huge spot for me and I assume others?

3) I've used the drop-in feature from the Amazon Application on my phone to this device. It's slow; painfully slow to connect and subsequently come into focus. Moreover, the camera on this device shoots up the ceiling so you can't really see the entire room you've "dropped-into" well. In order to see someone, they have to be directly in front of the device. Perhaps these are meant to be security/privacy features or are these just half-baked implementations?

4) I like that you can now issue a follow-up command to Alexa. That is, you can program the device to listen to your request without saying the wake word "Alexa" again.

5) The user interface seems rudimentary. - almost like a pre-schooler designed it. Sure the screen is larger, but simply displaying the weather, a clock or sports scores on a cartoonish-like background isn't enough. I'd really like to see my Google doorbell and cameras as a default dashboard here without purchasing the Google Home Hub. My hopes are this changes with future software updates. Amazon: you employ some of the smartest talent in the world so please upgrade this simplistic screen interface. It looks silly and very much like a Palm Pilot interface on the early 2000s.

6) Why oh why does Amazon Prime only display the last 60 shows in your library here? You need to use the phone/tablet/computer application to see your entire library. Amazon Prime shows are another fantastic thing about an Amazon membership, so why limit the ability to see a users' inventory? Also, the volume on Prime video is much softer than when playing Amazon Prime music.

7) If you care about someone seeing your personal pictures, you can restrict access to your Amazon picture library, That is, you can disable the picture feature on the settings menu via a toggle switch, the picture library comes "ON" by default. So....if you have any compromising/private pictures uploaded from your phone automatically to the Amazon Cloud, you may not want them to display on your Echo device.

All-in-all, this is an incremental improvement over the original product with the best feature being the larger screen size. The speaker sound is OK, but not fantastic as a few other reviews note and the sound is lower when using Amazon Prime video. I'd like to see a better and more modern user interface and better ability to integrate with Google products.

While Chao Chao said Very glad I waited for the 2nd generation.

When I first saw the Echo Show Gen 1, I was on the fence of getting it. Looked promising but the screen was a bit small for the price tag. Glad I waited for Gen 2! The screen on this thing is beautiful. Full HD and vibrant colors. I'm amazed that I can watch my Prime shows and it looks great. I also love the lyrics on the screen for Amazon Music. Sometimes I just want a solo karaoke session in my kitchen.
The sound of the Echo Show was what impressed me the most. I'm upgrading from a 1st Gen Echo Dot and the moment I heard the sound of the Show, I was blown away! There is so much bass and the volume can get insanely loud for such a little device. The kitchen might be my second most favorite spot in the house. Touchscreen is also very responsive and works great. The only thing I wish it had was an app hub so I can choose exactly what I want. Sometimes Alexa doesn't understand what I want to watch. Best Amazon machine ever!! Can't wait to see what other devices they release.

As The Review Dude say An improvement, but not without some quirks..

The actual hardware has improved. The sound quality on this Echo Show is definitely better than the first generation. The screen is bolder as well. I own a first generation Echo Show as well... I do not love the new software update that hit all Echo Shows. For example, if I set my background to show my family photos from Amazon Photos, I do not want to see stock photos of news stories as well! I know I can turn off updates in my settings... BUT I like the words from the updates, I just want them over my photos like the old Echo software! As it stands now, a family picture will come up, then a news story photo. This is quite annoying!

I do not know how long Amazon will rule this market. The new Google Hub looks like a great device. However, the inferior sound and lack of a camera still puts it behind the Echo Show. But in a couple years if a Google Hub Max comes out... I may switch to that! The Google brain just is outpacing what Amazon’s articfical intelligence can do. (I have both Echos, Echo Shows, and Google Home’s in my house!) Facebook also just released an interesting device similar to the Echo Show that lets you video message FaceTime Messenger contacts. But as of 2018-2019, in my opinion, this is the best device of its kind on the market! I’m very happy with this Echo Show compared to the first generation Echo Show!!!

While Amazing Customer experience WARNING - (STILL) DO NOT BUY!!! (update 2).

I just unwrapped the device and the entire screen wasn’t screwed in! You can clearly see all 6 screws missing!! So I called support and have been trying to get a USA based rep and all they keep saying is the earliest they can replace the item is December 28th!!! Well I’m supposed to fly to another state later this week to give to an elderly relative! And this would be a disaster if it was a Christmas present!! Well I’ve been on hold for almost 15 mins waiting for a rep I can understand.. my advise is DO NOT BUY!! They rushed the manufacturing and the support is horrendous!!

Update - This is still an ongoing NIGHTMARE!!! I finally got through to support after multiple calls and was promised a new device was being sent straight to FL where I was flying to do the install for elderly grandma with Alzheimers. I traveled yesterday to FL from NJ to install and the device they sent was an Echo Show 1 that was REFURBISHED and missing the charger!!! I sent an email last night and got a reply that they will be happy to replace my defective eco show 1 with a refurbished unit as per the warranty... I am now waiting on hold again for a supervisor to attempt to make this right... (will continue to update)

While WI Doorbell experience Stop senseless updates. I lose more than I gain on most of them..

Very disappointed with 2nd generation Show. Most home screen options were removed. Can’t customize clock anymore. Constant “Try this” on bottom of screen is senseless. Can’t display personal recipes. You must use Allrecipes or Food network. Not as responsive as Echo. I have two Echos, one Dot. Love them. The Echo Show? Not so much. The constant updates that change the menus and choices on the entire Echo lineup is becoming tiresome. It appears as if someone at Amazon is trying to justify their jobs.

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