Reviews: NETGEAR Nighthawk C7000 Compatible Providers including

Reviews: NETGEAR Nighthawk C7000 Compatible Providers including

My friend Amazon Customer Talk went through the same setup and it worked fine...

NETGEAR Nighthawk WiFi Cable Modem Router+ Voice (24x8) AC1900 DOCSIS 3.0 | For Xfinity Internet and Voice services (C7100V-1AZNAS). I am not really rating the AC1900. I purchased this modem/router/phone to replace my Comcast unit I had been renting for 3 years at $11/mth. I received the Netgear AC1900 follow all set up Comcast tech support...only to find out the unit was showing up on a customers account and could not be activate. Shame on you Amazon for selling me a used device as a new one and at new retail pricing. The next day I bought the same unit for $20 more...went through the same setup and it worked Wifi download speeds are double what they were with the Comcast Unit. The unit is great....paying for a used unit at NEW retail pricing is bad business and I could not activate it.!!! Will look at other options than Amazon when buying items now!

While Scott Hansen experience Like buying a brick.

Modems and routers should be easy, plug them in, follow some prompts, and set up your wifi names. These days, most companies make a product that is user friendly and once they are set up, they run forever.

I bought this model because I switched to Xfinity and I did not want to rent a modem and router from them. It worked great from March of 2018 until November of 2018. And then they did a firmware update. Xfinity went above and beyond to try and help me figure out why my internet kept goint down. It went down four, five, eight times a day. When it came back up, I still could not get to the internet. They pointed me to a firmware update and then I knew what I had to do.

I called Netgear for support. Guess what? They install software on your modem that turns it into a brick and then they tell you that there is only 90 days to technical support. 90 days. 90. When the modem reboots, and this is why I kept losing internet service, the modem goes back to the point it was at when it came out of the box. This means you have to go in and change the wifi names again, change the passwords, and then your internet will work for an hour or two. You also have to go put in the password for the network you set up on all your devices because things have changed.

I will never, ever buy another Netgear product again. Ever.

Another customer R. A. N. Talk Great Product.

This products is great. We have Comcast as our provider and service is not good. I refuse to rent their router. My previous router was 6 years old and they kept blaming it on that.. Could not facetime or stream without trouble. I went to Best Buy to get their opinion and they wanted to sell me a separate router and a modem. Cost was over $200.00. Decided to use my prime acct. and check out an all in one router/modem and could not be happier with this product. I am not a tech person but setting this up was so easy. Since I set this up, a week ago, I have not been kicked off the internet or any trouble streaming. I saved well over $150.00 by purchasing this from Amazon.

While L. K. Harris experience Get it. Easy setup. Much faster than others.

We use Suddenlink and have been paying $20 a month to rent a modem/WiFi for a long time. A friend told me about Orbi, so I took the plunge and ordered the modem/WiFi + satellite.

Pretty easy set up. Got ISP (Suddenlink) on the line and once they had the MAC address they activated my Orbi and it is awesome. Never had internet speed this fast.

Satellite is easy setup once modem is running. Plug it in and wait 3 minutes. Expands network tremendously.

Rename to exactly your previous WiFi name and password. You won’t have to “update” passwords on any mobile phone, tablet, laptop or anything that was connected to previous WiFi. Big time saver.
Once you are up and running, go into modem settings -) Advanced Mode. Rename.

A review HighExpectations experience The Best Modem/Router We've Ever Had!.

After three weeks of breakneck Internet speeds, I hesitate to write this review for fear I might jinx myself, but, suffice it to say, this NETGEAR Nighthawk WiFi Cable Modem Router+ is not only the most user-friendly we've had in our 20+ years of home Internet use, but also the most low-maintenance. The speeds we're experiencing today at the start of week #4 are as fast as they were on installation day (See Photos).

I admit, my enthusiasm is partially due to having stuck with AT&T DSL Internet far longer than we should've. AT&T's fastest Internet speeds were outmatched by cable broadband several years ago, but we tolerated the bad service, the glitchy modems and the slow speeds because we thought that was easier than switching. There are two reasons I'm including this in my review: 1). I suspect a lot of people out there are like us in that they're just now looking to switch from AT&T DSL to faster broadband and are looking at this review because they're shopping for a compatible modem/router; and 2). I think it's important to explain that this modem/router can only work as fast as your provider delivers. To put it another way, think of this modem/router as a Porsche 911 Turbo and your Internet provider as the fuel you put in the gas tank. If you put watered-down, low-octane petroleum in your Turbo, you can expect watered-down performance. But feed it high-octane, premium fuel, and you'll get the zoom zoom zoom you expect. In my three weeks of experience with the Nighthawk, it delivers each and every megabit per second for which I'm paying to receive.

When we decided to finally switch to Comcast/Xfinity, I insisted on purchasing our own modem/router, mostly because of 20+ years of bad experience using all the bad modem/routers that AT&T sold us. This required that I do a great deal of research prior to installation day, to find equipment that was guaranteed compatible, and that promised ease of use, exceptional performance and reliability. The Netgear Nighthawk WiFi Cable Modem Router+ Voice (AC 1900) was an easy choice, not only because it does everything we need (and more), but it's also manufactured for and marketed to Xfinity Internet and Voice customers. I was a bit worried at first about dropping our landlines and switching them to Internet phone lines, but all that worry seems silly now. I thought I might need to purchase new phones (I didn't). I thought I'd need to learn a new batch of complicated settings (I didn't). Honestly, all I did was plug the lines into their respective receptacles on the device and, voila — instant dial tone.

While we did pay for Comcast to do an install, it's only because they required us to do so, considering we'd never had cable service before and they needed to run a line off the pole to the house. Setting up the Nighthawk took no time at all. The tech called the activation number, dictated the necessary codes off the device, and we were up and running.

The installation tech tried to talk me out of using this router/modem at the start. He fed me a line about how he's had lots of customers complain about their speeds slowing down after a couple weeks, blah, blah, blah. He had a better router/modem out in the truck that he could use, blah, blah, blah. I thanked him for the warning, but I'd read up. I knew better.

In the three weeks since the install I've reviewed all the settings and features. Early on I connected an Apple Airport Extreme Base Station via ethernet cable to extend the wireless signal to the top floor of our home. The two devices have played nicely together ever since, all without a hitch.

I've included a picture of the Nighthawk in action (my hand is in the photo to give it some scale, so you can get a sense of how big the device is).

I've also include screen shots of our Internet speeds both on installation day and today. Also, I included the speeds we were getting when we had AT&T using their Arris modem. No comparison.

My only complaint, and the only reason I've given it 4 stars instead of 5, is because of the battery backup, which I hoped would power both Internet and phone, but no. The backup battery is only intended to power the phone function of the device. To me, that makes no sense. Instead, I opted to purchase a separate UPS (uninterruptible power source) backup battery capable of powering the whole thing — Internet and Phone — in the event of a power outage.

Other than that, I highly recommend the Nighthawk.

Another customer Erin Major Talk VPN doesn't work.

I don't typically write reviews, however wanted to share my frustration with this product for others looking to purchase it. The modem/router was easy to set up, and allowed me to use wifi no problem for our devices and TV, however I got a new router due to my job allowing me to work at home a few days a week, and wanted a reliable wifi strength for the job. With my work computer I use a VPN to sign into the secure network. So on my work computer I was able to log into wifi, then connect thru VPN, however the VPN would drop less then 5 minutes later. I could connect back in, but same issue would again happen with VPN dropping. I called my help desk at work, and had them try different set ups, even gave me new laptop to try to solve issue but nothing worked. Then called my internet provider and had them run tests on their end, but all was good for that too. Then called NETGEAR to have them trouble shoot the issue, but after 3 calls to them and nothing working, I was beyond frustrated. After 2 months I did my own research online on Netgear blogs and forums, and found out this actual modem/router does not support VPN! And there is no way to fix it. I wish I knew this before I spent over $130 on it, because I wasted the money as this modem/router is useless to me. Bought a Motorola MG7540 and works perfectly with no issues

A review Ben J Breier say Wow, it really works!.

Wow! I have spent untold hundreds over the years trying to get WiFi working throughout my older 2 story home replete with walls and rooms; while I certainly didn't relish spending another 400 bucks, desperation kicked in and I figured I would give it a try. With the ORBI system, I am getting a solid 200Mbps throughout every corner of the house, even the downstairs media room that I could never get a reliable signal. Finally I can cut the cord and not suffer through continual buffering errors. Very, very satisfied with this ORBI system.

This a word from Bobby Talk Not compatible with COX.

Was super excited to try the new Orbi system with the built-in cable modem. Called Cox to activate my new modem they said the CBK40 is not in their system yet and cannot be activated. A few other issue, the CBK40 is using the old DOCSIS3.0 technology (3.1 is the new standard).

Note: the description on Amazon states it works with Cox, plus the packaging even has a Cox logo... Netgear needs to figure this out!

Review imuaraider said Replaced NETGEAR AC1900 with ARRIS SVG2482AC for Comcast/Xfinity.

NETGEAR AC1900 reliability questionable after a week of usage. Installation was easy except required to call Comcast to activate. After over 30 minutes, was transferred to another support level and it took over an hour. In sum, it took over two hours to setup. The reason for my feedback. There was at least two internet disconnection during the first week that was fixed by unplugging for 20-30 seconds. However, on the 9th day the internet disconnections started over three and half hours. Attempted at least nine reboots (unplugged power cord for 20-30 seconds, connected power cord directly to outlet instead of power strip, restart modem via Comcast website diagnostic tool, checked hardware connections) because the internet connection didn't last more than 10-20 minutes at a time before the sign of death (all the lights turned off except the power solid red light). Decided to send the NETGEAR AC1900 back for a refund since it has likely the modem instead of the internet connection via Comcast and the additional time to talk and effort with Comcast and or NETGEAR support. Decided to rent from Comcast their ARRIS modem and router as a stop gap. Next, ordered the ARRIS SVG2482AC and self-installed in less than an hour and is now working as expected. Will now monitor for reliability (internet connection and disconnection).

A review Cynthia experience Big Disappointment.

This was sent to me By Amazon to replace the one I bought that didn't work. I got exactly the same experience:
1. Even with my download speed clocking over 150 mbs streaming video buffered and some times froze. On Amazon it froze consistently.
2. Ethernet response across my system was inconsistent but mostly poor.
3. Pages I tried to open timed out.
4. WiFi was terrible even in the same room with the modem.
I got Netgear involved three times and it never got any better. My wife was getting pretty ticked at me after spending this kind of money and having such bad service.
I got Comcast to come check my lines and make sure everything was working as it should which I knew it probably was. They suggested trying their WiFi modem to make sure the Nighthawk was the problem. Bingo! All my problems went away. I'm going to wait a few months just to make sure everything is still working and then I'm going to buy an Arris Which is what Comcast's is.
With all the hype and great reviews I thought this was going to be the one but no. You can't argue with failure.

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