Reviews: BIOXO Monitor Camera Wireless Vision Security

Reviews: Monitor Camera Wireless Vision Security

Review Heyama experience Very satisfied with purchase..

Fantastic! I was worried that it would be a paid to set up but I literally had the camera up and running in 10-15 minutes and that includes the time it took for me to read the Quick Start instructions and down load the app. As far as picture quality it is very good even in low light. Color is better in good lighting conditions but even in black and white I have no problem being able to see what is going on. I purchased this unit to keep an eye on our 2 Poms but I think I will be buying additional units to use to monitor the house when we are not home. Very happy with my purchase so far.

My friend Kitty Lo experience Great camera.

Great camera and easy to set up. It has a good clarity and wide range rotation. I like the most is the alarm system, it can sense if someone had enter and I will know right away.

My friend Abbykatesmom tell us Great value for the money!.

I bought this to watch my dog while I am at work. He is one and still likes to get himself into trouble. I can now watch him while I am at work and check and make sure he isn’t up to naughtiness. Lol. Just wish it gave treats. I would recommend it. Great value!

While Arthur experience Decent monitoring camera.

Great camera, does what it says. Setup was simple and quick, and it just works. I can access the footage from the app to view the real time video as well as scroll back in time and see the history. You can tap the screen to change the direction of the camera which I found very handy. The alarm function also works well and detects motion. I might consider buying some extra to give me more coverage.

Another customer Briana Wang experience Excellent APP and camera.

This camera is excellent . The 360 degree cruising is awesome . I rececived this camera on time . It is easy to set up . I installed 2 at my home and love them. The image quality is very high and the remote rotation and tilt as well as 2-way audio is really good. I can easily view what my dog is up to and have the ability to move the camera from my phone. Good product !

Review J. Wetherington tell us Great Pet Monitor.

This camera is a great pet cam. The picture is clear and the night vision works really well. The camera can easily rotate to show a different direction (left, right, up, down). The camera does make some noise when it rotates, but does not detract from the overall quality of the camera.

This a word from Chelsea said So Easy!.

My kids are at the age where they want to stay home alone for a bit but I am still not all that comfy with that so I got this hoping it would help my fears. Amazing little camera – it was so easy to hook up to my phone that I was convinced I had done something wrong. It sits on my entertainment center and I love that I can pop on and talk to the kids and they can hit the button and talk to me if they need to. I can move the camera around using my phone so I am able to see the entire main floor of my home which is great considering my children move around a lot. I’m sure there are plenty of other functions on it that I haven’t even learned yet but I am already so happy with this camera that anything else with be sprinkles on top!

While McBeeAmazonMama say Great Multi-use camera.

Fantastic wireless camera
I bought this in order to spy on my pets to confirm which one of my dogs was the culprit responsible for chewing my couch cushions, TV remotes, etc. I have two cute dogs ,but they usually make a mess of my living room when l go out . I want to sure that which dog did . So I took a gamble on this product which is clearly much less expense . Effectively , l have a more expensive camera which installed in my garage , lt costs me more than 200$ . To my surprise , this camera can record a clear video . It was easy to mount to the wall, and fairly straight forward to set up on our phone apps. The camera quality is great and the microphone is good enough that the dogs know who is watching them while we are away. Since installing the cameras, neither dog has done anything wrong! I am going to order another one and instal it in my disabled sons room so I can remind him to go to bed. In a word , l love this camera so much .

A review Ryan say Inexpensive, quality security solution.

I snagged this as a lightning deal just before our last vacation. Really got it more or less to check our cat and her food/water levels. The camera itself is sturdy, easy to install and has excellent picture quality.

I purchased a 128gb micro sd card separately to be able to store the maximum amount of clips. The app itself is a little bit clunky, but not too hard to get the hang of. Maneuvering the camera from your phone screen is really cool too.

I'm happy with it, it served its purpose and then some. Everyone we had checking in on the cat got a kick out of it too.

This a word from SHUJUN ZHOU say Easy to install and set up.

 I have been had problems with my garden plants being destoryed by the cats and dogs. Dont know when they would come when I was inside the house or going out to work. With this camera, I can check at any time to protect my plants and vegetables. The camera is with a TF card slot and I can record all the video during the time I am not at home and when I sleep. It is easy to install and set up with the app. The 1080P picture is very clear. Very useful for me.

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