Reviews: Mandarin Wireless Otoscope Removal Compatible Android

Reviews: Wireless Otoscope Removal Compatible Android

While Amazon Customer tell us Very user friendly with impressive camera quality!.

My family loves this otoscope! We ordered it recently to observe and follow a severe ear infection I had. The kids learned a lot from researching what we observed. It is very user friendly, connects effortlessly to my iPhone, and I was impressed with the quality of the camera and LED lights. I would highly recommend this otoscope!

Another customer Danielle tell us Great Item!.

My daughter has so many issues with her ears so I ordered this so I could look and see what what going on in there. Great quality item, and great quality video/camera. Would definitely recommend this product to anyone wanting to look in ears!

Review The Thoms Family tell us Into the Ear!.

With a two small children this is a life($)saver! I am able to look in their ears and get a clear picture of what’s going on in their ears. I am no doctor by any means but I can compare and contrast what I see with what I see online! I am also able to take pictures to send to my doctor so they can review them prior to going in for a timely and possible expensive appointment! This device is definitely worth the small investment, if it allows me to skip one doctor appointment or trip to urgent it pays for itself!

A review Alice.l say Was ok with the price.

The 5 stars for this product because of the originality to satisfy my curiosity. I can saw how’s the look like my inside ears. 3stars for this product because the
practicability. I like the original item better. The quality was ok,this product made by acrylic maybe, it’s a little sharp and comfortable enough. I decided give it 5 stars because 2 stars for item originality.

While Sarah H-T say Worked perfectly with my iPhone!.

Easy to use! Just Download the app it tells
You you and connect via WiFi. Once connected you can see in your ears VERY clearly.
I had a double ear infection and lots of drainage and an upcoming flight. I needed to check it was draining so I didn’t need to go back for steroids before my Flight. This was much easier than taking off and heading to the doctor to check them! Plus I have two kids and they are getting older. They found it fascinating to check their ears
And see what was inside.
You can see clear enough to see bubbles even which helped me to know my
Ears were draining.

Review Durran Champie Talk A Good Gift.

Device seems to work. I'm giving this gift as a Christmas present so I'll have to report back on how well it works.

A review HaniG Talk science in my house.

We have fun with science in our house. With this high-tech, it's much more convenient. I can see it clearly and easy, I'm satisfied with it.

My friend mae said pros and cons.

CON: I did not like that the app requires you to share your location in order to work. If you do not read Mandarin or have a phone able to translate, you may struggle installing the app.

PRO: It does give off plenty of light and if you hold it steady you do get a clear image. I like that I'm able to cast it on the TV and take pictures/video to share with doctors. I used this to look in a few family members' ears to see what was bothering them.

Another customer rachel anne Talk Affordable and very useful.

 I was finally able to buy this otoscope that I've been eyeing for a while now. It's a nice thing to have when you get ear itch or want to know if there is wax buildup inside your ears. I love how easy it is to use and the instructions aren't confusing or complicated at all! I would definitely recommend it for kids and adults use. It's also very durable for the price.

Another customer Heyitsme said No spiders in my ear!.

I was convinced there was a spider in my ear....false alarm (thank baby jesus!). This is easy to use and the picture is great. It's both gross and fascinating to see how much earwax is in there.

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