Reviews: Camera 1080P Security Wireless Auto Cruise Activity

Reviews: Camera 1080P Security Wireless Auto Cruise Activity

Review Brandy Teache say Works great.

I got this camera so I could watch my old dog while I was at work. He's sixteen and recently had a seizure, I was nervous about leaving him alone during the day when he could have another without my knowledge. He doesn't do much on camera but this gives me peace of mind in knowing if that seizure he had was a one off or if I need to take him in to the vet to get meds for more regular seizures.
Set up was easy, though the instructions that came with it are lacking. I kept clicking the play button to try and view the live camera feed. Do not do that, you'll get frustrated. Click the big picture to view the live feed (you'll know what i mean).
I'm considering getting another to be able to watch the rest of my house and my cat too.

Another customer Aela G. Talk Great price and fast delivery!.

What a great value for a realistic price! I just wanted to be able to check on my dogs, I’m trying to leave them out of the crate, but very nervous throughout my work day just thinking about it. So I wanted a little something to help ease my mind that I wasn’t gonna come home to my house torn apart. This did the trick. I can also feel some assurance that if someone were to come into my house, I’d know about it. I did have to put it on my other WiFi band, not the 5g, but once I did that it connected just fine. (Probably because I have a bagillion devices on my 5g so maybe tons of interference idk) also if there’s a problem, you can get support which is nice. Way more than I expected for such a low price point. Also, it was delivered NEXT DAY!

My friend Gregg W. Whitmer say Works great so far.

Bought one camera to use in one house. No problems binding. I have an iphone 6. Picture looks great. The app crashes out on my ipad mini though.
Then I got three more cameras for another house. No problems binding. The pictures look great and I can see all four views on my ipad Air 2 (see pic). This is cool. Night vision is ok about as expected. Looks black and white. I leave a light on in most of the rooms the cameras are in so I don't use night vision very much at all right now. But I'll test it again. I don't rate motion detection because I'm not sure if that means the "alert" works. Haven't tried that. But I will.
I like these cameras and haven't had any of the issues that some people describe except for the app crashing on the ipad mini. But I don't think it is the app's fault because it works great on the ipad Air 2.

Another customer tiffany ralston experience Valuable budget camera!.

You must have internet and or phone app to use, but with them, this camera does exactly what it says, it even has a motion alarm that nobody could sleep through! Its not a commercial grade but it is very valuable for the cost for anyone doing basic security on a budget. I cant speak for the actual resolution, but the picture was very good and seems to offer a great value.

Review Ivan Gotovchits Talk an unreliable and low quality product.

It starts with unpacking and goes through the whole lifecycle of the camera. The first thing that bothered me is that the power cord just doesn't fit, so I had to use another one. The binding process is extremely unreliable and suffers from the timing issues. The interface is full of grammatical errors and is extremely unintuitive (even for such a simple device). For example, there is the "Hlep" menu there, which just tells us, that developers do not care at all.

There are tons of bugs in the Jawa application, some of them so severe, that I had to reset my phone a couple of times. What is more important, is that you can't expect 100% availability of your camera, is sometimes it just goes offline, because of the problems on the server-side. Sometimes, your cameras just disappear only to reappear a couple of hours later.

To summarize, this is a totally unreliable product which I won't recommend if you need any level of reliability (and for such kinds of products you need, no matter whether you're using it for security, or as a pet camera, or as a baby camera).

My friend Crystal said Grandma Cam..

I bought this after my grandma ended up sitting on the floor for who knows how long, she didn't fall, she bent over to pick something up (probably the cat). I'm there everyday to visit and cook. She already has a Life Alert pendant... So I thought I'd try this. "Wow "is all I can say. ..I am a complete tech dork, and worried about hooking it up, but was able to marry it to my phone ( a $30.00 smart TracFone from CVS).
I leave her at 9pm most nights, and am able to see her entire bedroom. It has the ability for an SD card, which I have no use of, as well as a motion detector (also don't need). I can take still shots from my phone, which I thing is amazing. The color during daylight is really sharp and clear. The night vision is in Black and white, and the picture is crisp and clear ( good pixels ?). I tried to talk to her through it, but her hearing isn't good enough to make out what I say, but I can hear her well. ( or the TV ) I get up a few times a night and check and make sure she's in bed. This product has given me peace of mind I haven't had before, and I love it. I've been using it for over a month now.

As K Reynolds say 360 degrees viewing capability.

This camera works great for the price. We got it as a second baby monitor for downstairs when the 2 YO is watching a movie or playing trains. With this camera, we can see the entire basement area where he plays and always keep an eye on him. It truly rotates 360 degrees, so no matter where he goes, we can see him. We have a Nest camera upstairs, but the area that is able for viewing at anytime is substantially smaller. It is also very portable, so we can use it traveling as well.

As Sqrlmonk say Huge range of motion.

I love this little camera. I’ve had an indoor camera before and it did not allow the camera to move. This is a game changer. Put it in a doorway and we can see living room and dining room and the front door! We keep an eye on our 3 dogs and 2 cats and I now feel comfortable leaving them out to roam around since I can see them at all times! Slight delay one second max but all cameras have that. I even put it on my moms phone so she can watch them too. You can add up to 15 people to see your camera live. At this price you can’t go wrong especially when The picture is clear and the fact that you can move the camera angle is fantastic!

Review Amazon Customer say Good camera for the price.

I rent a room in a house where I believe one of the family members has been entering my room when I’m gone without my permission. I got this to double as a cat camera and security.

When I first installed it and set it up, it was kind of buggy, I actually had to delete and reinstall the app, and reset the camera for it to work. But hey, it works.

It’s pretty straightforward and the quality is pretty good for its price, you can take photos( record, speak into it, move the camera around. It’s pretty good honestly.

I guess my only beef is the motion detection settings are pretty basic, it’ll go off on any motion, be it the lights turn off, my cat wakes up and turns to his side and has the most hideous alarm. But that’s just that doing it’s job. It’s decent and I don’t regret buying it.

This a word from AZ experience App and Camera both fail.

Bought this for a test unit. The requirements were pretty basic: must be moveable (hence WiFi), must have day/night vision and must be reliable. Sadly to say, this camera only managed to meet half of one of the requirements (it was pretty good image in daylight/fully-lit rooms), but failed the rest.

Issues (listed as encountered):

1 - camera test movement generated a noticeable grinding sound along with a noticeable electric motor sound. Not a deal-breaker, but I am used to silent movement from network IP cameras, so this was kind of a disappointment. Of note is that it gets 'stuck' on both horizontal and vertical movement testing, generating a plastic-gear-being-ground sound until it resets.

2- Camera set up was only capable through an app on a smart phone - could not be found or interacted with through regular network means (including browsers, PuTTY/TTY, PVR software, DVR virtual controllers or even basic network cmd like Ping). This was another disappointment, but not entirely unexpected, given the specs and reviews, and so it was again not a deal-breaker.

3 - App issues. This camera appears to only communicate with the Jawa app. This app is listed as trusted by Play Store and Apple Store, but both show very low reviews of it. Once I installed it, I began to understand why. The App wants far too many permissions for what it is - why does it 'need' to manage my calls, access my address book, Location, app folders, pictures, downloads, stored payment info, etc? I always use an android phone with no SIM, no service and nothing added except for Wifi connection to test network for evaluations of new equipment, and this was no different. Nothing set up on the phone but a shell Google account used just for that. The app downloaded and installed, wanted permission to everything, so I granted it in this case (nothing on the phone) but would never give it that permission range on my personal phone or ANY phone. App was presentable, but had several small issues with grammar, menus and stability (running on a Nokia phone with Android 8 on it from the manu).

4 - Camera issues pt. 2 - The app is used to provision and bind the IP camera to the network and app. The program does this through audio signalling, much like the old dial-up modems, if anyone remembers using those. After twice failing, it managed to get connected to the camera, and I began basic testing on the test bench. Movement was jerky and response ratios were atrocious, but again, for what it was being considered for, acceptable. Picture quality was better than I expected in the brightly-lit room, and the camera could (sort of) track large movement more or less reliably. It was noisy and jerky, to be sure, but seemed to work at least to minimum acceptable standard for the use it was being tested for.

5 - app issues pt. 2 - Once I got the app up and running, and the camera functioning with the app, I tested the app by logging off and closing the app before opening it to see if it held the settings. Well, that was the plan. The app crashed, unable to log off. Tried to close it with Android, it destabilized the phone. It was the ONLY app running, mind you. Rebooted the phone, phone reported a file for an app had been corrupted and deleted during reboot. Sounded about right, and I figured the app would either fail to launch, or have lost all the settings. I was wrong about it failing to launch (it did), and about losing the settings (it remembered the camera), but it said the camera was offline. I checked LED indicators, it showed good. Here is where the problems began - couldn't deleted the camera (kept crashing the app), couldn't add camera as a second camera (already had MAC in app), app kept freezing. Ok, due diligence, I uninstalled the app, factory reset the phone, re-downloaded the app, and tried again. See next entry.

6 - camera issues pt 3 - the app could not find any cameras. At all. Three attempts, three fails. I reset the camera per instruction. Attempted to rebind the camera - five attempts, then it said it was bound, but the camera was 'Offline'. Power cycled the camera, it did its dance and gave the 'ready' beep the instructions mentioned. Tried again. Still offline in app. Router showed camera MAC assigned valid IP and L2/3 connection. Ping worked from router, not from switch or computer on same network segment. Interesting. I tried manually assigning IP to camera by MAC, checked all mesh APs to make sure it was seen, and active (it was) and rebooting device. Continues below.

7 - App/camera issues - After reboot of device, and reboot of phone, app managed to connect to camera again. But, it only showed a SINGLE IMAGE from the camera, changing it every 60 seconds. Movement cmds resulted in nothing more than a twitch, then nothing, then the camera doing its movement test again before returning to default position and STILL no change in picture. Rebooted camera, it showed offline. Tried to change the WiFi network to the backup network (Guest) in the app - it crashed the app and made the phone lock up. Hard reset the phone, power cycled the camera, deleted all MAC entries in the camera, booted the reserved path for it and the test phone in the APs, and tried again.

8 - Camera issues pt 4 - camera would not bind. Five attempts, all fails with the message 'Network is unstable - try again later'. The network was not unstable, bandwidth, signal and gear all tested clear and stable. Still, due diligence, I set up my wifi test network on a separate 4G router with built in Wifi and tried again - no change.

9 - app issues pt 3 - final attempt was to try the app on an iPad I keep around for just such occasions. Same pattern of events, app problems, camera problems, communication problems. After the fourth attempt, I felt I had done more than enough testing.

Conclusion: this camera is either a lemon or there are issues with the firmware/hardware. The app is suspect and unstable in both Android and iOS, indicating a code problem with the app itself, which is a deal-breaker. The loss of connectivity to a network for no reason is a major deal-breaker. The camera and software lack any meaningful TS capabilities, which makes it useless for the role it was being considered.

After thoughts: perhaps the app does not like current Android & iOS builds, and would work fine on older versions. Do not know, no longer care. If the camera and app work and are stable, they may be suitable for very narrow use profiles, but I would not trust them at all.

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